Brett Ratner starts off saying that each character has their identifiable weapons and skill set. The Rock tells us of his weapon: “Hercules’ weapon is a club, it’s a massive club, and on the end of it are four long teeth from the Nemean Lion”. Ratner then goes on to talk about other characters in the film: “Autolycus is an expert with blades, such as knives. Tydeus’ weapon of choice is an axe. He’s the most brutal of the characters. And Atalanta is an archery master”.
We’re then treated to some footage of the fights being practised by actors and stuntmen, which is a really interesting look into how these big battle scenes are made. Ratner continues: “We had hundreds and hundreds of experts in every type of weaponry that trained our cast weeks and weeks and weeks before filming, Giving them all their own individual fighting skill”. Following that are some of shots The Rock swinging his club about, as he tells us; “the idea was to have a fighting style that still had power because he was still Hercules. When you get hit by Hercules, you go a little further”. Clips of the film are inserted between the interviews, including one weirdly hilarious shot of a man on a horse charging at Hercules, to which Hercules simply gets down and lifts up the horse, throwing it over his shoulder (I don’t know why I find that so funny) “A little bit more damage is done, but ultimately, his fighting style is brutal”. Brett Ratner once again pops up speaking of the amazing battle sequences, and The Rock explains one battle in particular, in which Hercules and his men agree to help the King, but when they arrive at their destination, they walk into a trap, which turns Hercules and his men into “War machines”. He closes the featurette with “You know when the audience is captivated and moved, when the action sequences take their breath away, and I believe that’s what we’re able to accomplish with Hercules”
It’s a Brett Ratner film so chances are it’s a bit shit, but there’s no denying that those battle sequences do look amazing, especially on the big screen!
Hercules is in cinemas July 28th.