So, the I'm With Geek staff have pooled together our thoughts because just one review on the subject matter just isn't enough.

It’s safe to say I was smiling the entire way through Marvels latest feature Guardians of the Galaxy. A fluffy raccoon riddled with sarcasm, a green skinned goddess full of rage and a very literal alien, literally – this really is streaks ahead of the recent Winter Solider and Avengers Assemble. This is funny, sexy and slick. Gunn balances all aspects here as well as Pratt truly showing us what he is made of (and I don’t just mean abs ladies). This tongue-in-cheek film has a stellar cast, outstanding CGI and the cutest dancing twig, which would make even Vin Diesel go awww! Or perhaps maybe just ‘I am Groot’. This is what the superhero franchise needed and this team of misfits are the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the Galaxy is everything that the Star Wars prequels should have been and is an absolute joy from start to finish. Embracing Marvel’s unwritten rule for Phase Two that each cinematic installment must be as different to the previous and the following, Guardians distances itself from all of the previous chronology and takes place primarily on the other side of the galaxy (with only a brief sequence set on Earth). The cast is expertly put together and the on-screen chemistry between each member is spellbinding to watch, fuelled by a terrifically original script. This is not one to miss!

You know quit a few of us had our doubts about Guardians. It could have been Marvel simple adding to its cinematic universe for the sake of spin off and profit. Yet in the hands of quirly oddball director James Gunn the studio have more than delivered with a brilliant new film.
The film has successfully introduced and developed five new heroes to its universe. Stylistically its a vision to behold and boosts some great humour and one liners that even Tony Stark would be proud of. The cast are made up of established and lesser known actors that all shine on screen together. For me its two stand out characters are actually the CGI ones. Groot and Rocket are amazing to watch and their relationship is bromance at its best. Although. you do have to wonder where a genetically modified Racoon and a living tree would meet?
If you haven't seen it get to it and for those who have already had the pleasure, repeat viewings are recommended.

As a comics fan, I was half pumped, half crossing my fingers for Guardians of the Galaxy. They’ve been knocking around in comics for a while, never getting much real recognition. Would the film finally do them justice? In a word, yes. From start to end, it’s awesome. Chris Pratt brings goofy humour and charisma to Star Lord, Zoe Saldana smoulders as Gamora, and the script delivers a solid plot, with the perfect combo of quirky humour, cool action sequences and the surprisingly charming Groot. Add to that frequent Footloose references, some brilliant dance scenes, and more than a little bit of sexual chemistry between Pratt and Saldana, and it all adds up to the best Marvel film I’ve seen in a long time.

Over the past few years, Marvel has become synonymous with quality popcorn entertainment and Guardians (or as I like to call it ‘Groot and the Branches’) certainly lives up to the name. The film’s breathtakingly beautiful visuals and epic (and frequently toe tapping) soundtrack are some of the best out there. But it’s the fantastic cast of characters that are the true magic. Unlike the Avengers whose heroes had their own films to help us get to know them, Guardians had just one to get it right; and by the end you truly feel a need to see more. Personally, I really can’t wait for the next one.

It's really starting to seem like Marvel Studios can do no wrong. They made a film where many of the biggest emotional beats come from a talking raccoon who's best friends with a tree, and it doesn't come across as ridiculous.
It's just so much fun. It's not grim, it's not serious, it's never depressing; the goal throughout is simply to be as funny and entertaining as possible, and it's a huge success. There are complaints you can make and nits you can pick, but they fade into irrelevance because the film's just such a blast.

What is probably this year's biggest summer Blockbuster doesn't disappoint. It delivers fun in heaps and to say that "friendship is magic" should have been used as the tagline isn't completely out of line. The group of misfits that come together to form the legendary Guardians of Galaxy learn just that, turning from outlaws in prison to saviors of the galaxy. Chris Pratt's energy as Star-Lord is infectious, Zoe Saldana kicks ass as Gamora, Dave Bautista is surprisingly funny as Drax and Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel as Rocket the Raccoon and Groot respectfully, well... they steal the show. All I can end on is that I want my own dancing potted Groot, like seriously, someone make those a thing.

Guardians of the Galaxy – the anticipation was killing me – the film I had so eagerly wanted to see. Fortunately, I managed to see it a week early, and it thoroughly surpassed all of my expectations. Having got the opportunity to see it in IMAX 3D, the visuals were perfection itself, the action sequences beguiling and enthralling, and the characters were all interesting and engaging, with particular reference to Gamora, Rocket (he’s a talking, machine gun wielding Raccoon after all!) and Peter Quill/Star Lord (Chris Pratt was undeniably hilarious). Of course, Vin Diesel’s Groot was another thing entirely. I also had a soft spot for Nebula as Karen Gillan really managed to kick it up a notch as the robotic character. Guardians of the Galaxy was so undeniably epic, and genuinely fun that it may have assumed the position as my favourite Marvel film to date – even surpassing the Avengers[Assemble] – sorry, not sorry.

We’ll, it was the unexpected hit of the summer, the movie everyone was talking about, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered to drag my ass to the local multiplex to see it. Plus I’ve been a fan of co-writer/director James Gunn since he co-wrote (which means wrote) Lloyd Kaufman’s first book, All I Need to Know About Making Movies I Learned from the Toxic Avenger. That James Gunn managed to make the talentless sack of human degradation that is Lloyd Kaufman seem sympathetic is testament to his talents. (And Lloyd makes a brief cameo in Guardians as an inmate in an intergalactic prison, which is fitting given his crimes against the culture.)
But alas, aside from a surprisingly touching opening sequence, Guardians of the Galaxy is just more of the same we’ve come to expect from pretty much every super-hero franchise. Don’t get me wrong, I like this current crop of Marvel films, but I like them for what they are, fluffy, entertaining spectacle. I’m not expecting to be challenged in any way. The buzz on Guardians suggested this might be something different. It isn’t. Guardian delivers on the spectacle, but on a story/idea level it’s utterly run of the mill. We have a Mcguffen, in this case an “infinity rock” with awesome powers that (oh, no way, it didn’t) falls into the clutches of a terrible bad guy. This means our gang of lovable misfits who (what? Are you kidding me?) hated each other when they first met must (no fucking way! That never happens!) learn to work together and maybe even respect each other in order to defeat the bad guys. Sound familiar? It is. The Avengers had the same goddamn plot.
The one thing that lifts it above the ordinary is the humor. Face it, like the screwball comedies of old, we know how it’s going to turn out. It is the journey to that pre-ordained ending that makes a film enjoyably or (Green Lantern) agonizing. Gunn ladles on the wisecracks more so than any other films in the Marvel franchise, and it actually works to elevate the film above the humdrum storyline. Plus it’s got the best post-credit treat yet. So I watched it. I didn’t feel the urge to punch anyone in the throat as I did after Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit, but I also wasn’t haunted and twisted by it as I was by James Glazer’s Under the Skin, Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, or even Matt Reeve’s Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. A decent summer entertainment with a few more laughs than usual. It will make scads of money and spawn scads of sequels, all of which I will wait to watch until they finally drop on Amazon Prime.

Though the overall storyline may not have been overly original, the characters and the script were more than enough to make up for this. With a witty script and actors who pulled it off perfectly, this film is one for everyone to see. It is a beautifully constructed film with well-choreographed fight scenes and an all-star cast. If you haven’t seen this, you really should, even if you’re not a Marvel or Superhero fan. Not enough good can be said about this film.

You'll hear this analogy a lot when it comes to this film but I want to imagine the most boring setting you can ever think of. You're sat in a dull office or shop. churning out what ever monotonous work you can think of. But like one of those ridiculous American television shows, someone runs in - more specifically, a sarcastic arse kicking man, a green assassin, a machine gun tooting raccoon, an anointed body building profound man on vengeance and the most benevolent tree - hands you a gun and screws "FUCK YEAH!" at you, transforming you into the most arse kicking version of yourself.
This is exactly how Guardians made me feel. Yes, there are issues but the film, the predictability and some of the acting is a little *waves hands* eeeeeeeh. But it is so insanely good and never apologetic for being what it is, a great hilarious fun ride that is enjoyable at every step of the way. Plus Chris Pratt is now a worldwide superhero, iconic and humble, and it's amazing, seeing him as he should be; adored by everyone.

Guardians of the Galaxy is everything we hoped it would be. Funny, action packed and heartfelt with a great story. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was one of the naysayers who, when Guardians was first announced, shook my head and proclaimed it would suck; I mean honestly, a talking racoon? But I'm so happy to be proved wrong! I mean honestly, a mix between Star Wars, Star Trek and Firefly... What more could you possibly ask for?
Oh yeah, and Howard the Duck!
What did you think?

Did you enjoy Guardians of the Galaxy as much as we did?
Or did you not think it was that great?
Let us know in the comments!
Read our full review here!