Making your first feature length film will always be a difficult challenge. You have to make sacrifices, things like money, time, job prospects and relationships. But if it comes out well, it’s worth it and for writer/director Andrew Flynn and crew it was worth it.

The screening I went to had a lot of people there who had worked on the film, so they knew what was coming. But I was sat next to girl who was a friend of the director and didn’t know much about the film. When the twist did happen, he didn’t affect me, but maybe that’s because I know what to expect from timing in suspenseful horrors. But the girl next to me was sitting there in shock and wasn’t expecting what happened. But what I loved about the film was how the film changed and not just with the tone of the film but the message behind it. For most of the film, Early Bird shows the problems that everyone will face when they flat share with a complete stranger, problems like rules that other people have or irritations about that person that you have to put up with. But the film’s deeper message is about everyone’s view on perfection and how different it is for very person. Whether you are clean, messy, loud or shy, we all have a different view of perfection and searching for that perfection could lead you down a slippy slope you might not be able to come back from.

Early Bird isn’t a faultless film though. There are a few technical and continuity issues, but you have to be a real film nerd (like me) to spot them and they don’t spoil the film. There are at times where the film looks like it could be a uni student’s final year film, but considering the crew are made of uni students or graduates and that they used similar equipment you can get from most universities it’s understandable.
Everyone who worked on Early Bird or had some affiliation with it should be very proud of what’s been made. For a first feature made on a shoestring budget, it is very enjoyable to watch. Everyone on and off screen is on top form and I will be following the film’s journey into distribution. But if you are lucky to spot Early Bird in a small cinema, festivals or in a pub basement (like I did), go grab a ticket, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.