Have you ever been so excited for a film that just thinking about it makes you emotional every time the film title is mentioned? And no matter how many times you watch the trailer, it just isn’t enough? For months and months, you had been looking forward to this film, and with every day that came closer to the release date you thought you could taste the awesomeness…and then out of nowhere it was taken away from you. The cinematic release was taken away from you, with no real reasoning of why. You then curl up in a ball in your bed, lay in the covers and cry. That is how much you wanted to see this film, this is how much emotion you invested into something you had been waiting for your whole life.
Does this sound familiar?

Here we have Ray Breslin played by Stallone, and his job is to go inside maximum security prisons and seeing if they impossible to escape. Breslin is then given a new assignment and a new alias and right away Breslin believes he has been set up. He then makes friends with Emil Rottmayer player by Schwarzenegger, and he is the man to go to when you want a favour. And soon all their antics together bring them closer to the truth of why they are in this prison and how they can get out alive.
While the premise does sound very simple, it’s awesome that this has depth to it. You may be thinking how can two of the greatest action stars who are just known for blowing shit up and beating the crap out of people have depth; well here’s why! Sure you are going to expect and receive violence with this film, but a lot of this film is intense, it puts you on the edge of your seat. When watching this and getting very involved in the narrative you can’t but hold your breath sometimes, but when that relieved sigh comes through, it just adds that extra layer of meat to the film. Escape Plan isn’t just another action film with mindless violence and cheesy one liners. This film offers so much more, it gives you something you wouldn't expect from a Stallone and Arnie film. You may think having two big action heroes co-headlining a film would be disastrous because while they have a lot of the same traits, their overall ‘cause’ or goals in their films are very different; but they bounce off each other perfectly. They both share the screen time equally, so this isn’t a film that tries to get our stars to compete against each other in terms of their skills, they work together, and it flows naturally.

Arnie was an absolute joy to watch in this film. He was definitely the comedy relief in this and it was great to see how he paid homage to his former roles in certain scenes. He definitely proves to the audience that he is back, and better than ever. You can’t help but love his character in Escape Plan because he is just so much fun, and his personality just comes through the screen and slaps you upside the head and makes you remember why you loved Arnie in the first place! And then there is Stallone…he is definitely the more badass of the two in this film. He definitely doesn’t like to play by anyone else's rules, just a pure renegade in his whole approach to everything. He is more of the brooding of the two actors in Escape Plan, however he does have his one liners too which are funny but are said with a more serious tone that Stallone is known for in his earlier films. Having the duality of personalities in these two roles isn’t off putting or messy, it’s just perfection. Stallone still proves that he has depth in his eyes, and that is evident when you see his character of Breslin just observing and taking everything in and knowing that he definitely has a lot going on in his mind. Escape Plan really showed off Stallone’s acting chops and proves once again he has got something about him that a lot of actors just don’t have.

Escape Plan is my favourite film of 2013, it had everything in it that I love about film, and most importantly the overall viewing experience made me emotional. It made me feel; seeing it on the big screen did more for me than what it could if I watched it on a small computer screen. If you want a very well constructed film, with solid acting, action, violence and hilarious moments, do not go past Escape Plan; it is definitely the unsung hero of 2013.