Ant-Man, the next solo film following The Avengers: Age of Ultron, has begun principal photography in San Francisco. The film, starring Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas, focuses on the miniature hero, whose absence in The Avengers (despite being one of the founding members in the comics) didn’t go unnoticed. Rudd stars as Scott Lang, the second Ant Man, whilst Douglas plays the original, Hank Pym, who acts as a mentor to Lang. Together, they must protect the secrets of the Ant-Man suit from towering threats, and plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. The film also stars Evangeline Lilly, Judy Greer, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Pena and Mad Men’s John Slattery.
A lot of confidence was lost in the film when Edgar Wright (famed for directing Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End) stepped down as director due to creative differences with Marvel. The film will now be directed by Peyton Reed, who made the comedies Bring it On, The Break Up and Yes Man. Not quite an impressive trio of comedies as Wright’s are, but hopefully Ant-Man won’t fall flat with him at the helm.
As well as San Francisco, the film will also shoot in Atlanta, which will be the base of it’s production. Ant-Man is out July 17th 2015.
While there is no footage. Enjoy this clip of Mark Ruffalo getting excited over Paul Rudd.