In 1993, stop motion and animation history was made: The Nightmare Before Christmas was released. Combining the super talented efforts of Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and Henry Selick, a whole world of imagination was unearthed. The story is of Halloween town resident Jack Skellington who has become sick of the screams and scaring people. However, during a long walk, he unearths a whole new world of Christmas town and wants to bring the joy and wonder he found there to the creepy town of Halloween. With some memorable songs, Nightmare has become iconic, sparking a whole new cult and a swarm of kids devoted to the film. If you haven't noticed, the film team have spent the whole day honouring this movie. Here, we all come together to celebrate this wonderful film.
by the IWG Fiilm Team
In 1993, stop motion and animation history was made: The Nightmare Before Christmas was released. Combining the super talented efforts of Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and Henry Selick, a whole world of imagination was unearthed. The story is of Halloween town resident Jack Skellington who has become sick of the screams and scaring people. However, during a long walk, he unearths a whole new world of Christmas town and wants to bring the joy and wonder he found there to the creepy town of Halloween. With some memorable songs, Nightmare has become iconic, sparking a whole new cult and a swarm of kids devoted to the film. If you haven't noticed, the film team have spent the whole day honouring this movie. Here, we all come together to celebrate this wonderful film. by Cookie N Screen It seems that when people think of Danny Elfman’s work, they go straight to Tim Burton. After all, he has scored all but two of Burton’s movies. But Elfman’s work goes much beyond the partnership with Burton and some of the most iconic theme songs and scores have been birthed from this musical genius. Elfman has been one of the masters of the sound of cinema. by Jo Johnstone Henry Selick, despite being one of the most prominent stop-motion directors working today, is a name that most won’t know. Not only has he directed some of the most successful stop-motion films of recent years but has been instrumental in keeping the rare and pain staking art form from becoming obsolete. His work ranges from back in the 1980’s when he did work in commercials, moving into short films and eventually directing feature length stop-motion features. He’s since gone on to produce more successful feature length animations. Despite this prestigious body of work his name is sometimes overlooked. Here we look at the history and work of unsung hero Mr Henry Selick. |
FilmWriter of the Month
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Keep up to speed with the latest news from the world of cinema Must See Movies - A list of independent films we are looking forward too! Movie Monologues - Paul Costello counts down the best speeches in cinematic history every Thursday. Movies In Motion - Jo Johnstone explores the world of stop-motion animation from adverts to features every last Friday of the month. Experiment 626 - Our writers exchanged DVDs and here are the results We'll Fix it in Post - Graham Osborne gives us the run down on how certain movies could be improved. The Horror Vault - The dark side of cinema You May Have Missed - Movies that passed you by. From The Trenches - Matthew Howe delights with stories from the front line! Hidden Heroes - Celebrating those incredible people often in the shadows of cinema Terribrill - So bad they are actually good! Straight On Till Morning - Leah looks at the impact of childhood films Monthly Musical Moment - Taking a look at the best soundtracks and music moments Film FriendsCategories
July 2015