This week saw the first trailer for the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past. The first reaction was a sense of excitement for this new step in the story of what is probably Marvel’s second most popular superhero team (Sorry, Logan but Stark’s leading the polls.) The second feeling was the sense of joy in seeing Bryan Singers name as the director. The same place it was thirteen years ago when X-Men became the first in a new generation of Superhero movies which has seen the humble comic book elevated to a new high as a form of entertainment media. Looking back on those thirteen years a lot has changed, the bar has been set to new highs, reboots have come and gone and a golden age of comic book cinema has begun. However, one battle continues and it’s not between the X-Men and The Avengers. It is, of course, the age old race between Marvel and DC (Or should that be Disney and Warner Brothers?) And in this race, the gap seems to growing larger and larger.