Anthony Paull, author of the young adult novel Outtakes of a Walking Mistake, gives his audience another story to obsess over in the form of second novel, Desperation Lingers.
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![]() By Olivia Grey Anthony Paull, author of the young adult novel Outtakes of a Walking Mistake, gives his audience another story to obsess over in the form of second novel, Desperation Lingers. ![]() By Olivia Grey Today in Author Corner we are talking about one of the most prolific writers in English literature. She is a woman who has written some of the most revered stories in our history, concentrated on social standing and romance, with her books being recognised as ‘classics’ and ‘must reads’. We are, of course, talking about the one and only Jane Austen. ![]() By Agnieszka Ramian The 25th of May is best known as Towel Day, Douglas Adams’ and his unconventional novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) appreciation day. Inspired by ordinarily titled Hitch-hiker's Guide to Europe by Ken Welsh (1972), the concept first was presented to the public as a radio programme and then adapted into (originally) a five volume book. It sold a mind-blowing number of 250,000 copies within only three months and won top rank on the Sunday Times Best Seller list (1979) and was 24 on Waterstone's Books/Channel Four's list of the 'One Hundred Greatest Books of the Century' (1996). Its major success was also reflected in being ranked number four on BBC's "Big Read", which was an attempt to find the "Nation's Best-loved book". Millions of fans all over the world find their ways today to pay tribute to Adams’ life and work by doing things such as: carrying around a bath towel for a day, answering all questions: ‘42’, creating galleries of 42 must-see for hitchhikers photos/places and more! When it comes to us, IWG: Books team, we thought we would join the celebration by compiling a Book-et List made of 42 books one should read in their lifetime. Note, books will be presented in an ‘almost’ random order. ![]() By Agnieszka Ramian “Towel Day sees fans of the author and the book carrying towels with them to work, to school and as part of their daily activities. The most important thing that you need to remember in order to celebrate is DON’T PANIC; no matter what the day throws at you, draw comfort from the knowledge that you’re armed with your trusty towel. “– Days Of The Year. ![]() By Olivia Grey Happy Towel Day to all you Douglas Adams fans all over the world! Today we’re having an Author Corner special edition especially to celebrate the life and works of Douglas Noel Adams, writer and dramatist known primarily for his The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book series, which is of course what Towel Day itself is borne from. ![]() By Olivia Grey Literature is a powerful thing, and in the correct hands it can dare to access the true nature of humanity, to lay it bare and assess it for all to see. Tamar Cohen is a skilled author who takes real problems that people face in their lives and displays these issues in her books, with her characters becoming incredibly rich and layered through their unfortunate experiences. ![]() By Olivia Grey I have recently had the privilege of interviewing one of the best women's fiction writers there is at the moment; the lovely Tamar (Tammy) Cohen. As a best-selling author of titles such as The Mistress's Revenge, Someone Else's Wedding and The War of the Wives, Cohen's fourth novel The Broken, is due out TODAY, so make sure you grab yourself a copy! This interview was sought after the release of a review of The Mistress's Revenge that was published on IWG back in February (find it HERE) which described Cohen's story as a true embodiment of the famous saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. Here, Cohen discusses The Mistress's Revenge in detail, telling us what inspired her, and what her plans are for the future. We also have exclusive information about The Broken, and there are links to the bottom of this page just in case you feel an immediate need to buy the book. I wouldn't blame you; I've had my copy pre-ordered for months! ![]() By Olivia Grey What do I think you will take from this trailer? Intrigue, suspense and a sense of humour, for sure. ![]() By Olivia Grey The Royals have always been a subject of awe and curiosity for both the British people and for people around the world. With the fascination surrounding little Prince George of Cambridge’s birth last July, and of the marriage of his parents ‘Kate and Wills’, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, on the 29th April 2011, there seems to be nothing that the young royals can do without it being covered by the press. Every part of their lives is constantly under a magnifying glass, exposed to the public and received largely by love and an unfailing respect for the couple and their little baby boy. It seems, due to recent news, that the family’s dog Lupo is no different! ![]() By Olivia Grey George Walton Lucas, Jr. is the talented 69-year-old brains behind the phenomenon that is Star Wars. Whilst we’re celebrating May the Fourth over here at I’m With Geek, I thought I’d treat you to some facts about the great man himself. You may know them or you may not, but it seems fitting to pay homage to Lucas on this day. Enjoy, and May the fourth be with you. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) |
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