Yes, World Book Day is upon us and alas, is almost over. We hope you've had a day full of costumes, stories and fun! Unless you're one of *those* people who earmark the pages of their books ... one essential thing for readers around the world are bookmarks. Here we are going to take a look at some of the best bookmarks.

If you have children in the family, there will be perfect for encouraging the little bundles of joy to read and to enjoy reading. They are colourful but simple, with lovely little characters for the kids to be drawn to. And the puns will amuse the adults for a while too!

Here's a creative idea for the gamers which absolutely tickled me! How appropriate and amusing. Anyone who has ever played a game in their life will recognise this sight and hopefully appreciate it for what is it. It doesn't hurt that they're reading a George R. R. Martin book either.