Great news for Stephen Fry fans everywhere – you can stop marking off the calendar, the wait is almost over. The third volume of his memoirs will be available on 25th September in both book and audiobook form, following Moab is my Washpot and The Fry Chronicles.
Cruelly teasered in the final pages of his second autobiography, More Fool Me will pick up where The Fry Chronicles left off – after his rise to fame with fellow Cambridge Footlights alumni Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson, and the beginning of his descent in to the murky underworld of celebrity life.

At the same time, Fry was writing and recording the likes of A Little Bit of Fry and Laurie and Jeeves and Wooster, whilst also starring in shows such as Blackadder. In retrospect, he calls himself a ‘high functioning addict’.
Those of us who have read the earlier volumes of his memoirs will understand why it has been separated in to many books. Stephen Fry has experienced such a huge diversity of lifestyles and has so many stories to tell that to sum them up in one book would be practically impossible. He has gone from boarding school rebel, to credit card fraudster, to prisoner, to First Class Cambridge student, to budding Footlights star, to BBC comedy actor, to script writer, to novelist, to drug addict, to beloved national treasure. There is nothing this man hasn’t done, and nothing he hasn’t experienced.
If this book is anything like his previous two, it will be beautifully and luxuriously written, with due care and consideration to the reader, as well as being brutally honest not only with us, but also with himself.
Featuring extracts from his diaries from the 80s and 90s, Fry says that he imagines the readers, “hundreds of thousands of you, wincing, pursing your lips, laughing here, hissing here, nodding, tutting, comparing your life to mine with as much objective honesty as you can.”
Personally, I can’t wait to jump in.