Being Emily is a novel in which the reader follows a Emily (born as Christopher), on her journey into transsexualism. Filled with every emotion a writer can evoke into their reader's hearts, this is not one to be missed.
Teenage life is hard enough as it is, but through reading Gold's work, you forget your own experiences and become inexplicably in tune with Emily and how pained every day is for her to portray herself as a teenage boy. To not be able t look in a mirror, to be unable to be free.
Gold tackles stereotypes with fierce passion, and the influence of religion in the decision of society when transsexualism is discussed. It is a modern and important piece of writing, with transsexual author and gender theorist Kate Bornstein describing the story as: 'powerful and empowering, with an optimistic message that we all need more of in our lives.' It is important that literature moves along with these ever-changing times, and Rachel Gold is a pioneer in her own right with Being Emily.
Emily's story will strike you in some way or another every time you pick it up to read more, and this won't stop until you've finished the entire book.