A couple of weeks ago, late to the party as always, I stumbled upon a brilliant parody. My mind was blown. It revolved around Doctor Who, straight out the TARDIS, all set to the toe-tapping classic Time Warp. The connection was obviously there but it hadn’t been done before, taking each story of the Tenth Doctor and slicing it up to a classic anthem with monsters, aliens and a little blue box. Witty, hilarious and fun, the great dancing and funky costumes (plus an spot on impression of David Tennant) made me sit up and pay attention to the creators, The Hillywood Show.

And there is very good reason. The creativity and comedy behind The Hillywood Show is great. Clear passion from the girls has meant their videos exude millions of views, growing in popularity. The great videos on YouTube have garnered them recognition as they slice up series and movies in an entertaining way. Just look at the Breaking Dawn Twilight Parody, it is all kinds of ingenious.
Not to mention that Hilly and Hannah are able to chameleon themselves effectively to these different characters make it look authentic. The productions are getting bigger but they aren’t any less full of heart as the first videos. In fact, each is unique with that Hillywood flare, unparalleled in the business of YouTube and internet celebrities.

How is the tour going?
Our tour schedule is booked for the summer! It's going well and we can't wait to meet our fans! VidCon, FantasyCon, ComicCon and many more!
How did The Hillywood Show start?
Back in 2006, AOL RED had a contest asking teens to send in their own idea for a web show. We entered and placed 3rd out of 100,000 entries! From that, we had fans asking us to continue with the show and here we are still creating today!
How did you keep your strength when you didn’t win the competition and strode on anyway?
It wasn't upsetting. We were happy that we had even placed! The Hillywood Show® was more of a hobby before we became serious in wanting to make this our career.
Where do your ideas come from?
We are inspired by music, film, and music videos. We guess that plays a major factor in creating the show.
How long does it take from the initial idea to the final product?
It depends on the project but usually a month and a half to two months.
It looks so, well, Hollywood, how do you finance the productions?
Last year we were with an MCN who helped provide a little funding for the show. We are no longer in contract with them so the Doctor Who Parody was funded completely on fan donations! Our fans are amazing! We hope that we can obtain new sponsorship or partnership soon so that we can create more Hillywood® parodies!
Do you find it difficult to fit the videos around work and life?
We have a part time job as dance instructors but we work on Hillywood® everyday. In order for something to grow, you need to put a lot of time and effort into it. We love when we get a break to relax.

We enjoy seeing all the costumes, makeup and sets and it's exciting! However, Hillywood® is more of a serious job now so we are more hard working on set.
Growing up, were you both interested in performing?
We have been dancing all our lives so it seems to have installed itself in us.
Has the show brought you closer together as sisters?.
Yes, absolutely!
What’s been your favourite video to shoot?
The Hobbit Parody, Warm Bodies Parody, and Doctor Who Parody have been some of our favourite!
Hilly, who has been your favourite character to portray?
Hilly's favorite was Lady Gaga and the Doctor. Hannah's was Mrs. Lovett and Donna Noble.
Which one was the most difficult?
For Hilly, the Joker and for Hannah, it was Ron Weasley.
From one of my writers, who is a massive fan of your show; where did you get the snake from for the Harry Potter – Friday?
We found the snake through an animal shelter here in Vegas. She was massive but so amazing and beautiful to work with.
You’re fan base is enormous, how are you dealing with the success and each video garnering millions of hits?
We love interacting with our fans! Without them, we wouldn't be where we are today! We are so blessed to have them!
What ideas do you have for future projects? Anything you can let us in?
We have so many ideas! However, as we said before, we need to find sponsorship and funding before we start working on our next production. We would tell you what we're thinking of next, but we want to keep it a surprise!
Thank you very much!
You can watch The Hillywood show at their website.