The release of The Dark Knight Rises, the final instalment of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy came with a whole host of Internet memes and general geeky-ness, though none quite as well crafted or frankly hilarious as the Bane ‘Outtakes’ reel.

The video descends further into insanity as we see Batman flying over Gotham listening to ‘Mortal Combat’ and ‘Pump the Jam’, and Bane declaring himself the freestyle king before delivering the Bane rap to a confused crowd of Gothamites.
Since its first appearance on YouTube back in December 2012, the video has received over 5 million views, with the rap available to download through iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. The biggest problem for me however is that now I can’t watch the film, specifically the stadium scene, without reciting the rap in my head. Bane has gone from deranged, world-ending psychopath to nutritionally savvy, rapping, neck snapping psychopath.
Anyway, he’s the video. Enjoy!