Have you got that Friday Feeling yet, or should I ask you again at 5pm?
I think I’ll probably give you the time to finish your working day and let it sink into your brain that you do have two days off to look forward to, although admittedly, last weekend topped the charts. Nothing beats a Bank Holiday weekend. However, while you’re still slugging it out behind a computer desk, or pushing paper and writing notes or being extra nice to customers who making it their business to be extra annoying, remember it’s Friday. You deserve a little break, even at work, and for this all you need is a pen and paper.

Of course I am talking about pen and paper style games that you’d more than likely have played at school. Who remembers Noughts and Crosses, or Hangman? Both of which have indeed made the transition from paper to board games to online games on Facebook, but for myself, I prefer doodling on a spare piece of paper; trying to outsmart a friend by giving them a hideously annoying word to guess before their little man hangs, or by always choosing the centre square first and claiming it with a big X.
So your mission is set. You’ve got your lunch break, and then all of the afternoon to tally up who’s the King or Queen of Hangman, and the Champion of Noughts and Crosses. So go forth, have fun, and let this be the beginnings of a great Friday night!