I have always solidly believed that Dark Horse comics were the best and worst thing to happen to the Predator franchise. On one hand, you've got the amazing Alien VS Predator, on the other hand, you've got the crappy Alien VS Predator. On that same hand exists the comic adaptation of Predator 2. Say what you want about the movie itself, but it bloody rocks... bloodily. It's more violent, more insane and more involved. This film gave us our first real glimpse of what these crazy intergalactic hunters were all about. It paved the way for all of the fiction that followed, much like Aliens, and Terminator with their respective sequels.

Ever since then, I have tried my best to pick up as many movie tie-in comics as I can get my hands on. In the years past, I have picked up the comic versions of the other two Batman films, Batman Begins (binned, even though it was better than the film) Spider-Man 2, GI-Joe: Rise Of Cobra, Tron Legacy, Alien, Aliens, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Dune, just to name a few. With the exception of a couple, they have all been solid adaptations of the source material, with Aliens: Newts Tale giving us the story of the movie through Newts eyes, which was awesome to read.
Predator 2 is a two issue...thing, which trades Danny Glover with a buff Bill Cosby (lets call him Buff Cosby), and Gary Busey with a young Robert Redford (in Busey's wildest dreams, even though Busey is the better actor). They trade in the visceral action and main plot in for a film noir style approach, which I actually enjoyed. This adds a level of cool to Buff Cosby's character Harrigan and gives us a greater overall feel of what he is going through.
The bad language is tamed, of course, but there are moments where there is foul language used in some panels e.g. - 'Shit Happens.' and 'Get the Bastards!' and 'Sonofabitch! Who the Hell...' but towards the end of the story, when in the film Harrigan says to the Predator 'OK Pussyface, your move.' and the Predator turns around and says 'Shit Happens.' this is replaced in the comic with Buff Cosby saying: 'Pant pant, now what? Jesus no, you may be a sore loser buddy, but you aint takin' half of L.A with you.'
Lamer than a one legged dog.
Also of note is when in the movie Harrigan finally bests the Predator and says 'That's right motherfucker...shit happens!' in the comic Buff Cosby just does a Sgt Slaughter and rattles on who the repeated hits are for.
These episodes of brutal congeniality do not affect the vast amounts of blood that drench the pages. Sure this is a Predator comic, the Predators rip out skulls and spines intact to use as trophies right? Its gotta be violent! But without ranting for a few hundred years about why a comic can be outrageously, perhaps disgustingly violent and not contain a few more shits here and there is impossible. I am tired and its time for my afternoon nap.
The artwork in Predator 2 kicks off with a super big bang, every panel looking pretty and neat, and then in issue two, we see images that can only be described as 'Bill (Buff) Cosby with severe heartburn and/or a bad case of Rodney Dangerfield eyes', or 'Malnourished Predator Thighs', or even 'Where is the rest of that persons head?' While for the most part the pencils stick to being pretty decent, the finishing lets it down in a way that almost laughs its way off the page.
All up, I spent a whopping eight dollars on these two issues. Next time I have eight bucks on me, I will give it to a beggar in the city, so he can go and put it on his lucky horse. He will have more fun than I did reading this. And what to say to you dear reader? If have eight dollars in you're pocket, and have a Predator itch that cant be scratched with human hands, go find a better Predator comic like Cold War, and feast your eyes on that. If you feel like a good comic adaptation of a movie then go on, GO GET NUTS and buy Batman, because it the best. And it's Batman.