Slowly recovering from the events of City Fall, the Ninja Turtles and their allies are ambushed in their Northampton hideaway by a warrior mutant named Koya, and her deadly team of highly-trained Foot Assassins.
Warning: Some spoilers follow.
I'm With Geek |
![]() by Bob Bruno Slowly recovering from the events of City Fall, the Ninja Turtles and their allies are ambushed in their Northampton hideaway by a warrior mutant named Koya, and her deadly team of highly-trained Foot Assassins. Warning: Some spoilers follow. ![]() by Jade Lindley Oh it's that time again where I get excited for the smell, and the look of pretty new comics! While I am more of a fan of trades, I will most definitely be picking up a copy of Batman #28, because well...it's written by Scott Snyder....enough said really! What is everyone else picking up this week? Leave us a pretty little Facebook comment below, the comic team would look to see what is pushing everyone else's button's this week! Reow!!! DARK HORSE COMICS ABE SAPIEN #10 CLOWN FATALE #4 STAR WARS #14 2013 ONGOING X #10 IDW PUBLISHING CITY THE MIND IN THE MACHINE #1 MAXX MAXXIMIZED #4 TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE #26 DARK CYBERTRON PART 9 X-FILES SEASON 10 #9 ![]() by Jade Lindley Wellity wellity wellity, new comic book day has arrived, and boy is it a big week!If you are looking to start a new comic, my recommendation would be to check out some of the new Marvel Now #1's that are starting this week! And you can also check out DC's New 52 title Jokers Daughter, who know's, it might actually be good!! DC ACTION COMICS #28 BATMAN BLACK & WHITE #6 BATMAN JOKERS DAUGHTER #1 BATWING #28 DC COMICS PRESENTS HARLEY QUINN #1 DETECTIVE COMICS #28 EARTH 2 #20 FOREVER EVIL #5 FOREVER EVIL ARKHAM WAR #5 GREEN ARROW #28 GREEN LANTERN RED LANTERNS #28 MOVEMENT #9 STORMWATCH #28 SWAMP THING #28 TRINITY OF SIN THE PHANTOM STRANGER #16 VAMPIRE DIARIES #2 ![]() by Bob Bruno IDW’s TMNT series continues to draw from the best of everything that came before, while managing to distinguish itself as a successful comic in its own right. Following their pyrrhic victory at the conclusion of City Fall, the Turtles, along with April, Splinter, Casey and an outcast Alopex, escape to the safety of April’s parents’ home in Northampton, in the hopes of regrouping and healing the damage inflicted upon them by the Shredder. People have complained loud and aplenty about the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe, the second time DC Comics has opted to restart their continuity. Two times in, I can’t be certain, but let’s just say 76 years? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the other hand, existing for less than half that time, have seen their continuity restarted fresh, again and again, through various movies, comics and cartoon series, and somehow, it never manages to be extraneous. I realised just the other day, that in regards to the many incarnations of TMNT: I’m currently reading the new IDW comic series, watching the new Nickelodeon cartoon, and rereading both the old Mirage and Archie series as IDW releases them in trades. Four separate Ninja Turtle continuities, all with essentially the same characters, some with stories similar to the others, but all strong, distinct and possessing of enough merit to stand on their own, and that especially includes the fantastic original work IDW is doing with the property. ![]() Alright it's that time of the week folks! What comics have been on your waiting list that you have been gagging for? It is definitely going to be another big week at comic stores around the world, and what is not to love about that? There's nothing more awesome then that new comic book smell, and how amazing a comic book cover can look in it's shiny clear bag, it gives me tingles just thinking about it. I love the smell of new comics in the morning. DC COMICS ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #9 AQUAMAN #27 BATMAN AND ROBIN ANNUAL #2 BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #27 BEWARE THE BATMAN #4 CATWOMAN #27 DAMIAN SON OF BATMAN #4 $3.99 EARTH 2 ANNUAL #2 FLASH #27 FOREVER EVIL ARGUS #4 JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #27 (EVIL) LARFLEEZE #7 RED LANTERNS #27 SUPERMAN #27TEEN TITANS #27 WORLDS FINEST ANNUAL #1 |
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June 2015