A highly interesting pair of questions were posed to me earlier this week by my editor, the awesome Miss Sarah Wagner. If I were a superhero, what would I be like? What would my powers be? Those are intriguing questions indeed. Oh, the possibilities they present!
Well, for starters, I don't really feel I would be a superhero. I would be more of an antihero. I mean, I see myself as a good guy. But, sometimes I have questionable methods and take the less than moral high road in a game of ‘any means necessary’ meets ‘if the ends meet the needs’ logic. My moral compass doesn't always point due north. It's actually about 3 degrees to the right. But, hey, that is better than being evil, right? Basically I'd be a cross between Deadpool and Squirrel Girl. My default setting in Dungeons and Dragons is Chaotic Good... and my default setting is my only setting.

My powers? Oh, there are so many possibilities. I like the idea of telepathy. I mean, Biloxi, here I come. Casino isn't going to get my cash this time! Invisibility would be pretty awesome, especially in the ladies locker room. Super strength has always been coveted as well. Now, I have always loved Gambit's ability to charge up inanimate objects and turn them into bombs. Bishop's energy absorption and redirection powers also intrigue me. Honestly, I can't make up my mind. So, I'm going to cheat here and make up my own superpower. I can replicate any power that I've read about in a comic book. Wait! That's not cheating! That is a masterstroke of creativity right there.

This is about the extent of my creativity for today. My mind is pretty much shutting down from all of the awesomeness it has conjured up. Hey! There's my name, “Awesome Fanboy!” I think it's kind of catchy. Now, get McFarlane Toys on the phone. I want an action figure!
Antihero? Superhero? Who would you be? Let us know what you think below!