In my last top ten, I mixed up two of my favourite things, comic books and board games. It seemed well received. So, I thought, well, why not do another? The only problem was, I had trouble thinking up what category I would want to use for another Top Ten. Well, that was all made clear to me last night when I sat down with my dad and his girlfriend to watch an episode of Monday Night Raw, the last surviving bastion of American vaudeville. So, without further adieu, here are the Top Ten songs that our favourite characters would use as entrance themes if they grappled in the squared circle.

This is a classic song about the over-indulgences of the wealthy and rock and roll lifestyle. I know Iron Man by Black Sabbath would have been an obvious pick. But, I wanted to go a little outside of the box. Of course, this would be alcoholic stage Tony we're talking about here, the poster child for, “I go to parties sometimes until four, it’s hard to leave when you can't find the door.”
9: Mystique – Bitch by Meredith Brooks.
In this late 90s hit, Miss Brooks put it all on the table and made no excuses nor apologies over her decisions and overall status in life. Raven Darkholme perfectly channels that with a certain existential je ne sais quoi that I just can't put my finger on. I can almost see her walking down the ramp threatening to backhand the spectators while it blares over the speakers.
8: The Joker – Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.
Who doesn't love Ozzy? I know I do! His early solo career hit is a perfect fit for the Joker. It would be so awesome to see him emote with the music, starting with the slower beats of the intro into a full thrash of the verse and chorus dancing around all Caesar Romero style.
7: Darkseid – Space Lord by Monster Magnet.
Darkseid needs something brooding and mellow dramatic, yet also full of straightforward power and fury. This fits him to a T!
6: Ghost Rider – Highway to Hell by ACDC.
Ghost Rider rides a bike and wields the power of Hellfire, right? Seems a natural choice to me. I could see him coming down the ramp reminiscent of the Undertaker's American Badass persona entrance. Oh, yeah, don't forget the pyro!

Hailing from Meridian, Mississippi, everyone's favourite Southern belle needs a song to evoke her cultural roots. This one contains almost every redneck cliché known to man. But, owns them oh so well. Despite a troubled past she's also known for still knowing how to have a good time, so the upbeat tempo would suit her well.
6: Aquaman – Under The Sea from The Little Mermaid.
Why? Because I just love making fun of Aquaman.
5: Captain America – Courtesy Of The Red, White, And Blue by Toby Keith.
Steve Rogers bleeds red, white, and blue. He's also dished out an ass-whipping or two, courtesy of her. Just look at the iconic cover of him giving Hitler a good right cross and tell me that it doesn't start playing in your head.
4: Star Lord – The Joker by Steve Miller Band.
Although some might make a case that this should belong to Batman's arch-nemesis, and it would be a good fit, Peter Jason Quill deserves this one. He's a space cowboy and a gangster of love. I don't know about the Maurice part. But, he speaks of the pompatus of love. The old school good vibe feel would fit right in with The Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack.
3: Spawn – Du Hast by Rammstein.
The sounds put out by Rammstein fit the overall badassery evoked by Al Simmons. Half of any confrontation is mental. He'd certainly set the mood with this tune. He gets extra credit if he can flail his chains in time with the guitar licks.
2: Luke Cage – Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta by Ghetto Boys.
Luke Cage grew up bare knuckle brawling on the streets. But, as an adult he had the epiphany that he wanted to be more than a street thug in life. So, he turned those skills to use for good. This song perfectly puts his change of heart into perspective.
1: Deadpool – Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
No comic list is complete without Wade Wilson, and no music list is complete without Queen. The Merc with the Mouth would probably choose this song simply because he liked it, basing nothing off of how it applies to his character. He'd sing along and pantomime it out, mic in hand, getting fans to sing along with him... just because he can!
I hope everyone has enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. If feedback continues to do well, I'll write more of these Top Tens. So, do any of my little Cobbamaniacs out there in reader land have any suggestions for Top Ten lists that they'd like to see? I'd love a challenge!