This year, a film was released that quickly became one of my favourites. After leaving the cinema, I couldn’t stop smiling and talking about the spectacle I had just seen. I loved it so much that I just had to get the source material and read where the film had originated from. It was based on the comic, The Secret Service: Kingsman.
The story is fast paced and drawn clearly. It’s obvious what’s going on from panel to panel, who is there and where they are. A problem I sometimes find with manga is that the panels can be too busy and confusing, so it was a nice change to be able to understand everything and see clearly what was happening. It helped with the story telling and kept it flowing neatly.
The artwork was pretty ugly at times and the characters seemed to have the same faces and features overall. It was hard to know sometimes if it was Gary or Jack in a scene, and some of the women would have really masculine faces, yet have the stereotypical large chests and be scantily dressed. Not all tropes need to be followed within every genre.
The comic was enjoyable and I sped through it. I even forced myself to slow down, so that it wouldn’t be over too quickly. Once it finished, I was disappointed as I wanted more. It was full of twists and turns and the motivation behind the enemy’s actions will make a lot of people laugh. It could be because I’m biased after watching the film first, but though I enjoyed the comic, I think the film beats it tenfold.