Although the current torrent of comic book related movies are sitting atop of the box office and being a geek doesn't quite possess the stigma that it used to, I still get the occasional odd look when I start singing the praises of my favourite pulp heroes and villains. It’s also true to say that one last bastion of awkwardness remains for many of us. It is still, in some circles, considered to be a less than desirable trait by the mainstream as far as dating goes.
Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. Hating on comics can really put a damper on things. I once dated this total Decepticon who absolutely hated comics and everything about them. She was obsessed with the whole grown up mentality and couldn't compartmentalize the fact that being an adult and liking comics can coexist. So, one time I was on a tear binge playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance (one of the most awesome comic book games EVER, IMHO) trying to get all of the Xbox achievements for it.
After about a week, I had completed my task and moved on to Arkham Asylum. She came home from school and was complaining about how every day when she got home I was playing a Marvel game for the last week. I informed her that on that particular day I was not. She pointed at Batman and asked, “Then, what the Hell is that?” I politely informed her that it was a DC game, which is a separate universe from Marvel. So, that put some more unnecessary tension in our already strained relationship. Long story short, don't be a Decepticon hater.
Indulging your man doesn't mean going overboard by any means. I'm not saying go out and buy him a mint copy of Action Comics #1 or anything. You don't even have to consent to slathering on blue body paint in an effort to engage in kinky bedroom cosplay as Mystique. But, showing a little interest goes a long way. Seriously, it does.
In the words of the great and awesome George Takei, “Oh my,” I was worried about this. One day I mentioned dropping her off at her townhouse and then going by the comic book store and she asked why I had to drop her off first. When I said I didn't think that she would want to go, she smiled and said it would be a new experience. Instantly I granted her 5,000 cool points. When we walked in, she looked amazed and astonished. Instead of making fun of it or seeming disgusted, her first words were, “Wow, I'm in a real comic book store, like the one Sheldon and Leonard go to.” That very well may have been the moment I fell in love with her.
Throughout our relationship, she has heard me sing the praises of comic books and their wonderful characters. But, she has never complained once. A couple of times she has cut me off and said, “I love you. But, that is enough comic book talk for today.” That's cool. I realize sometimes when I get in the zone I can ramble on and on and on ad infinium. However, the important thing is that she cares enough to listen and indulge me.
I hope this article has helped bring some understanding to some ladies as to why it might be important to support the inner geekdom in a guy and not shun it. We take that stuff seriously. Now, as a final note, may I say that I am not sexist. I realize that there are girls that like comic book related things too. But, that's a whole other deal. You ladies are nothing less than a blessing from God himself. You not only tolerate the geekery, you also partake in it with gusto! So, whether you are into all things geek or not, may your Valentine's Day be filled with love. If not, my deepest sympathies. However, take solace in the fact that you're not alone. Nobody loves Aquaman either.
Looking for a little geek in your girl? Or are you an awesome lady geek searching for a man who matches your coolness? Whatever the case, let us know what you think below!