Winter is about to turn to spring. That means one thing... baseball spring training is about to be in effect. Hopefully come October, my beloved Atlanta Braves will stand triumphant with another World Series victory.
I haven't often seen sports referenced in the comic book world. I'm not even going to act as if NFL SuperPro even counts. So, what if comic book characters had teams? I think it would be pretty cool. I've always been a big X-Men fan. So, here's my list as to what my best X-Men baseball team would be.

Catcher: Rogue – Everyone's favourite sultry Southern belle is tailor made for this position. She could get in the minds of batters and trash talk better than anyone else. It’s hard to hit a ball when your mind is on other things.
First Base: Beast – Hank McCoy's oversized hands and agility make him a perfect fit. He'd almost never miss a throw. He could stretch for those off balance shots as well. I'm pretty sure he'd never pull a Bill Buckner either.
Second Base: Gambit – His luck skills ensure that he's on point on every play. His agility and staff would also come in very handy when turning double plays.
Shortstop: Nightcrawler – His BAMF teleport ability would come in very useful for snagging up infield balls.
Third Base: Wolverine – With those claws, think twice before sliding into third.

Centre Field: Storm – Weather powers for the win! The winds could shift to keep a home run ball falling short. Should the game need to win early and be called for rain, she's got the touch!
Right Field: Quicksilver – Speed kills. He'd quickly get to any ball that enters his territory, or any other for that matter. He's also a base running terror.
Pitcher: Jean Grey – Telekenesis allows for pitches that would make Nolan Ryan's head spin. She also could read the minds of batters and figure out what pitches they were expecting.
Relief Pitcher: Colossus – Fastball Special! 'Nuff said!
That's my team. I'm sure there are a million combinations that other people could come up with. But, that's mine. I'm interested to see what players and positions other people might come up with.
Batman as wing defence, Kraven as goal keeper - who would your superhero sports team consist of? Let us know below!