Continuing from my opinion of the first issues of each of these series, I am going to look at how they are getting on after their second issues:
Is pretty easy to see, after reading my review of the first issue, that I really wasn’t too keen on the newest edition to the Star Wars comic universe. I’d go as far to say that I pretty much hated everything about it apart from the art. Still I thought I’d give the second issue a go and see if it got any better. The good news is yes, it is superior to the debut comic, but it still has major problems which leave it trailing behind the countless other comics coming out each month.
The art is still consistently good and I’d go as far to say that it works better in this one, as there are some far grander set pieces that contain lots of action and details. These sections are great and the colours really pop out and grab the reader’s attention. The tiny details help elevate the artwork with bits of rubble flying everywhere and flecks of dirt on costumes.

I’m still amazed at how bad this series is and feel disappointed, as the creative team are usually great. I shall give it one more issue and see if the series can redeem itself. As it stands now though I wouldn’t recommend the series to anyone.
I was surprised that I enjoyed the first issue of Mortal Kombat X as much as I did. It was a nice refreshing change from the usually family friendly comics and actually featured a pretty good story with quite a lot of character depth. I was excited to see where the story would go and how the story would develop as more iconic characters were introduced.
The second issue gets off to a great pace and is instantly absorbing, with some amazing artwork that really captures the crazy power that some of the characters have in the series. The design for Raiden is exactly as one would expect him and even in comic form he has a presence which oozes power. From here we are introduced to a new character in the universe, Cassie Cage, the daughter of the iconic superstar of the game series Johnny Cage. I was kind of surprised at first at her characters inclusion but considering the comic is kind of a prequel to the upcoming game, it’s understandable that they would want to show off some of their new characters. What really surprised me though was the depth of her character and her relationship with her parents. A lot of time and effort seems to have been put into developing realistic backstories and motives for everyone involved.
The story is fast moving and keeps you wanting to know what’s going to happen on the next page. I will say that the pace drops off a little when the focus switches from Cassie to Sonya Blade (another game favourite). I would have kind of preferred the story to stick entirely with Cassie, as I really got drawn into her situation, But I understand the inclusion of Sonya and her side of things, as it does further elaborate on the mythology of the world and helps set up events that are going to happen in future issues.

Overall I am just as pleased with the second issue as I was with the first. It’s a gripping story with brilliant characters, a deep dark mythology and some truly stunning artwork. This really is a series to keep your eye on.
So there you have my thoughts on these two series. I will share my thoughts in a few issues time and see how they are still doing and we’ll also see if I stick with Star Wars….
Also…For those few who may be wondering where my issue 2 review for ‘Wolverines’ is…. Well I haven’t read any more. Not because it’s bad, it’s simply because it’s a weekly and my local comic shop didn’t manage to get issues 2,3 or 4 in…. so yeah… that’s one series I won’t be following.