by Cookie N Screen
When Quentin Tarantino bestows his opinion on your film, it feels like a blessing. You could have come before him or be doing something completely different to his genre tastes but it is solidifying when one of the most acclaimed directors options your movie as one of the best. So despite happening years before Tarantino made his mark with Reservoir Dogs, the lesser known Milano Calibro. 9 shocked, thrilled and enveloped action so poignantly that the Pulp Fiction director heralds it as the greatest Italian film ever made.
And By Jove, he was absolutely correct.
When Quentin Tarantino bestows his opinion on your film, it feels like a blessing. You could have come before him or be doing something completely different to his genre tastes but it is solidifying when one of the most acclaimed directors options your movie as one of the best. So despite happening years before Tarantino made his mark with Reservoir Dogs, the lesser known Milano Calibro. 9 shocked, thrilled and enveloped action so poignantly that the Pulp Fiction director heralds it as the greatest Italian film ever made.
And By Jove, he was absolutely correct.

Milano Calibro. 9 is the first in a series of noir films by director Ferando Di Leo, though the stories remain unrelated in character and plot. The film revolves around ex-convict Ugo Piazza who has been recently released from prison. But it isn’t long until Ugo is approached by the Milan mob whose boss, gangster Rocco. Except there it isn’t a friendly chat, it’s actually a more sinister. See a big sum of money has gone missing and they believe Ugo is responsible. And it isn’t their money either, it’s the big American bosses, who’ll won’t stop anything to get this money back.
This is an extremely well done crime thriller that is equal parts chilling and engaging. Rather than entering the story with copious amounts of red stuff, gun shots and explosions, director Di Leo has an effective direction that spurs you in this enticing and excellent thriller. Unravelling the personality of Ugo, played passionately and brilliantly by Gastone Masochin, the film is teaming with ecstasies and shudders with each twist and turn. The atmosphere of noir is utterly evoking as you pace the Italian streets and panic with Ugo and his life under fire.
This is an extremely well done crime thriller that is equal parts chilling and engaging. Rather than entering the story with copious amounts of red stuff, gun shots and explosions, director Di Leo has an effective direction that spurs you in this enticing and excellent thriller. Unravelling the personality of Ugo, played passionately and brilliantly by Gastone Masochin, the film is teaming with ecstasies and shudders with each twist and turn. The atmosphere of noir is utterly evoking as you pace the Italian streets and panic with Ugo and his life under fire.

In what seems to be an ongoing trend with noir thrillers, the soundtrack and score are remarkable. Enhancing the tension and underscoring the chills, Rock Band Osanna and compser Luis Enriquez Bacalov’s music is unparalleled. Encompassing the emotion and the tension, building with the violent strings or rock music, crashing around your ear-lugs giving the most intense aural pleasure you’ll ever witness. I shall emphasis this again, the music is so wholly incredible that regardless of how you view violence in cinema, it’ll be worthwhile watching this film in all its aural greatness. See, I have goose-bumps just thinking about it.
Similarly to The Godfather, Milano Calibre. 9 has all the makings of a classic gangster flick but is simmering with cool characters, phenomenal story pacing and an engaging aurora that is utterly unforgettable. As your heart raises, you’re pulse erratic and sweat drips down your brow, you’ll be glad that this movie shot into your life. Though there are dated elements, Piazza has a stripper girlfriend and some of the character dimensions of side-lined characters lack a lot of depth. That being said, these are minor irritations that you should put to the back of your mind. The mistakes will melt away in the composition, tone and beguiling acting.
Similarly to The Godfather, Milano Calibre. 9 has all the makings of a classic gangster flick but is simmering with cool characters, phenomenal story pacing and an engaging aurora that is utterly unforgettable. As your heart raises, you’re pulse erratic and sweat drips down your brow, you’ll be glad that this movie shot into your life. Though there are dated elements, Piazza has a stripper girlfriend and some of the character dimensions of side-lined characters lack a lot of depth. That being said, these are minor irritations that you should put to the back of your mind. The mistakes will melt away in the composition, tone and beguiling acting.
Milano Calibro. 9 is out on DVD now!