Procedure 345-122: Collection of Terran cell templates for ABW cloning program.
Theory and Rationale:
The Autonomous Bio Worker (ABW) is a foundational pillar of the intergalactic economy. ABWs are employed on every developed planet to perform manual labor functions unsuited to advanced entities. In order to replicate new bio-workers to replace those worn out, damaged, or destroyed in accidents, a steady supply of new template cells is required. Cells from primitive life forms the galaxy over are harvested for use in these cloning programs. This procedure applies only to cell harvesting of bipedal beings from the third planet in the VV55432 system, life forms known as “Earthlings” or “Terrans.”
Terrans, due to their medium size, excellent physical strength and dexterity, ease of programming interface (owing to a crude and easily accessed nervous system), and ability to tolerate varied environmental conditions, make excellent ABWs. With proper maintenance, Terran ABWs have been known to provide service for as long as 14 cycles. They are used in nearly all ABW applications including mining and mineral processing, sanitation, and food cultivation and processing, making them one of the most successful species ever harvested for the ABW program.
The procedures for template cell harvesting from other life forms approved for the ABW program can be found in procedures 345-1 through 345-2808.