Trash tells the story of three friends who work together in the Rio De Jinero slums. Two of them. Rafael and Gardo, are trash pickers, sorting through the daily excrements of the sitting. When they uncover a wallet, they are shocked when the police turn up and offer a handsome reward. Sparking off intrigue, they soon realise that what they have something vital and hooking up with their friend Rato, they embark on a journey to discover what is in the wallet without alerting the police.
Yes, ok, there is just a slight hint of “white people saviours” when they stumble into the midst of Martin Sheen and Rooney Mara but the core bilingual adventure has a stirring effect. Some of the best family films come from the realistic drama that gave films such as The Goonies and Beasts of the Southern Wild an edge of excellence. Trash looks to be in this similar vein and if the British pairing of Daldry and Curtis don’t achieve the essence of Rio De Janerio and the intense turn for the kids, it could fall into the rubbish heap.
That being said, the tagline “Because it was right” is just brimming with greatness.
Trash is out January 2015