The Judge revolves around Hank Palmer, a city lawyer who earns big bucks from getting guilty men off the hook. After the death of his mother, he heads back home to spend time with a father he hasn’t spoken to in years after being sent to juvenile detention. However, as he comes to blows with his old man, secrets start to unfurl and a death that happened years ago comes to light, with implications of murder. Now Hank must defend his father and resolve issues deep seated in his family.
This is a stunning and masterful way of delicately interjecting the drama with soft family humour. The absorbing trailer is possibly the best one for the new film and certainly leans in favour for award nominations and more. The Judge looks intense and that is certainly a plus.
Is it guilty of being a powerful trailer that manipulates are emotions? Yes but I’ll plead that the evidence clearly shows a worthy and intense film here.
What’s your verdict?