Directed by Men Behaving Badly creator Simon Nye, Down Dog revolves around Frank, a playboy who spends too much of his time pushing sex toys and pushing his own, ahem, sex toy into other women. Trying to balance his sex addiction and spending time with his teenage son, his ex-wife turns to a Doctor and convinces him (somehow) to tell Frank he is dying. Soon Frank is re-evaluating everything in hopes to rectify his past mistakes.
Ok so the whole conception of it does feel rather silly and the plot a little contrived. But there is a genuine heart to it riding underneath. Jason Durr seems fantastic as Frank and there is a dash of British Wit (Witish?) when it comes to tackling deep and heavy subjects. There is no doubt that Frank's occupation will illicit a tonne of innuendos so I'm sold. Jovial yet serious, Down Dog could come out as Top Dog….
Down Dog is premiering at Raindance this weekend with full release in November.