Those monsters...
Frank Martin (Ed Skrein) is the most highly skilled transporter working today, and is hired by Anna (Loan Chabanol) and her three stunning sidekicks, but he soon he realises he’s being played. From there, we have perhaps the most unexciting trailer for a modern action film ever, made even worse by “From the creators of the Taken trilogy”. See, before it would’ve been “From the creators of Taken” and that would’ve been a good sign, but this now implies that we should expect the same quality of Taken 2 and 3, and that’s no promise at all.
Now I don’t know Ed Skrein; Is he doing a bad impression of The Stath or is that genuinely what he sounds like? Either way, he’s a sorry excuse for a replacement. I know, I know, the film isn’t out yet, don’t judge him too fast etc. but this might be the one instance where Jason Statham can be described as “irreplaceable” and that must be nice for him so let’s let him have that. If you’re looking for an action thrill ride this year, you’re probably better off seeing Fast and Furious 7 (The Transporter Refueled already has only a 4.7 on IMDb)
The Transporter Refueled is out June 19th