Legend, directed by Brian Helgeland, tells the true story of brothers Ronnie And Reggie Kray, two twin brothers in 1950’s and 60’s London, both terrorising London with their gangster moves and illegal schemes, much like the Mafia. And yes, they are both played by the same man, British Actor Tom Hardy. Ronnie tends to have severe psychotic tendencies, with a love of violence and crime. The film focuses more on Reggie’s life as he tries to control his twin brother.
A new trailer has been released film. You have not seen anything until you have seen Tom Hardy punching himself in the face. There are a lot of guys in suits. There are piles of money, guns, people in prison, violence and a few lines of dark humour. Everything that you would see in a typical gangster movie. Except for the fact that there is also a focus on Ronnie’s sexuality as he does make a remark on how he prefers boys. We watch as Ronnie goes on his rampages, hoping for shoot-outs, hanging men out of windows and generally just enjoying beating people up. The trailer reaches its pinnacle when Reggie is asked to “do something” about his brother.
This film will be an acting challenge for Tom Hardy, but with his experience, it should be a breeze. With an amazing supporting cast, including the likes of Emily Browning, Colin Morgan, Christopher Eccleston and Taron Egerton, plus a director with a great reputation within the crime genre (he did win the Academy Award for Best Writing with the film L.A Confidential in 1997) the film is flowing with talent and so should be an engaging, gripping and all-round entertaining watch. Plus, who doesn’t want to find out more about the life of a bisexual psychotic gangster, played by Tom Hardy?
Legend is set for cinematic release nationwide on the 11th of September.