“The Daughters of Stone” is the first Wizards vs Aliens episode without Benny (with Percelle Ascott’s name now gone from the credits), although it’s not like he’s been wiped out of the universe entirely. Tom asks what would Benny do, and the answer is, probably much the same as Katie does. In this story light on the aliens and heavy on the wizards, Katie calls Tom in to investigate ghosts in her grandfather’s theatre, which turns out to be a witch from the Neverside (witches are entirely different to wizards, being evil, and leave the negative gender connotations aside).
Up until that ending, “The Daughters of Stone” was a pretty good episode. Old Bethesta might have been the hammiest character to have graced the show since Brian Blessed’s puppet was sadly retired (so many rhymes, and her threat to drink bone soup out of Ursula’s kneecaps), but parts of the episode were genuinely scary, with that ventriloquist dummy (inherently terrifying) and the shadow phantoms more threatening than most of what the Nekross can come up with.
So, that leaves just one unanswered question – Lyzera is an alien. So how did she make a Narnia reference? Have the Nekross now got a library to help them assimilate better while in disguise on Earth? Maybe next time we’ll find out as she breaks on through to the Neverside (sorry, cheap joke, but it had to be made).