The Doctor Who publicity team is fully in motion. In the last couple of weeks, we’ve heard that the show will be premiering on British TV on August 23rd. Before that, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman will be off on an around-the-world publicity tour, kicking off in Cardiff on August 7th with the official worldwide premiere of “Deep Breath”. And then there’s the teaser trailers, which keep revealing more and more details...

Interesting that the first major teaser chose to focus in on Capaldi’s eye, those “windows to the soul”, given that the second teaser trailer features a suspiciously familiar voice telling the Doctor that he can see into his soul.
Thus far into Doctor Who, we’ve not heard any Dalek who sounds like that, but we have heard Davros. Last seen as the Crucible exploded around him, Davros’s death was explicitly not shown by writer Russell T Davies. Davros’s last words to the Doctor were to name him as the “Destroyer of Worlds”, which would have been a really interesting tie-in to the “Name of the Doctor” series arc.
If Davros is returning to Doctor Who (nothing’s been confirmed, and no-one’s seen a mad-scientist-Dalek-man-in-a-wheelchair filming in Cardiff), it means the Daleks will be, so season six will remain the only season of Nu!Who to not feature the Daleks as a main villain. Whether they’ll be the ultimate threat of this season remains to be seen, but they’ll probably face strong competition from the Cybermen. Capaldi was recently seen facing off against the tin cans in Cardiff city centre, with a bit of help from guest star Michelle Gomez.

What do you think of the new trailer?
Are you excited for the return of the Daleks?
Let us know in the comments!