Rightly dubbed “Shadows,” Agents of SHIELD follows from the first season where Agent Coulson and company are now fugitives after HYDRA has infiltrated the titular organisation. After the backlash of sudden villainous turn of one of their team, they must re-group and fight back against the evil that has taken over as well as the deaths and betrayal they encountered in the first series.
But season two has tantalising new characters, brand new villains and special appearances from Marvel favourites with HYDRA plastered all over the promo material. And someone has let slip that she'll be featuring. Who could that be? Well, Hayley Atwell has let slip that Agent Peggy Carter will be in this season. Though in what form, we cannot be sure, after all, she is aged in the Agents of the SHIELD era. But with her own television series set to kick off soon, the excitement is brewing over her appearance.
Check out the new trailer, does it hold up well? Agents of SHIELD are set to return September 2014. We'll be kept in the, ha ha, Shadows till then.