The Leftovers is a HBO (hurrah!) show about people who disappeared in the Rapture (boo!) written by Damon Lindelof of LOST and Prometheus fame (boo!). Problem is, it’s not about people who were Raptured away. It’s about very stupid people making very stupid decisions in the face of a couple of mysteries which, like LOST before it, have no hope of being answered.

The Leftovers is “discomfort viewing”. Why do I say that? I’m glad you asked. We’re halfway through the first (unfortunately, there will likely be a second) season and to start off episode 1.05, a group of masked men tied a woman to a tree and threw rocks at her head. This was graphic. Shameful. And gratuitous. There was no point in showing it except to fill column inches with how “daring and shocking it was” and “screw it, it’s HBO!”.

It’s about a mean world with mean people in it. That’s it. Have no hope. Have no love. Almost nothing you want will never come to you and if it does, it will be the palest version of it. You’ll take that first bite of the apple, munch away happily, but when you look back to size up your next bite, you’ll see half of a worm wiggling back at you. The message is, inside everything you love, is poison.

It’s dog-gone awful.
*(All statistics were made-up at the time of writing of the article)