Almost reaching mid series, the fourth episode of True Blood brought with it a whole new world of change. The character dynamics have slowly been changing from the get-go of Season Seven, but it was more than obvious in this episode that there is a new force to be reckoned with, and her name is Sookie Stackhouse.

Carrie Preston and Anna Paquin are particularly notable in the episode, with Paquin stealing the scenes she is in. Her dialogue and connections with her co-stars (in particular, the female ones) are on point, and there are some genuinely endearing and moving moments to enjoy. It’s great to see this different side to Sookie, as she and her fellow women show what they can achieve when they battle it out. Rather tragically, Paquin’s character appears to be at her best when the odds are against her, because those are the times when she is able to put it all behind her, muster up the strength and carry on with her missions like none other. This shift in character dynamic has been occurring slowly throughout the season, but it is no more evident in this episode as, rather surprisingly, Sookie seems to be the most competent character, whilst former heavy-weights (such as Eric) lay vulnerable in the shadows.

Bauer Van Straten and Skarsgard are back as the slightly less dynamic duo, as Pam is forced to pick up the slack and unite with old enemies to help rescue the hostages at Fangtasia. Still, there are plenty of Pam/Eric moments to keep audiences interested, as the two play out like they are on a sleepover, reminiscing about old times. It’s particularly haunting to see how things have changed in the hierarchy of vampires, from the thumb of the authority, to the decadent Sheriff and all that glimmers in between; it’s clear that things nowadays are nothing like they used to be for Louisana’s favourite vampires.
With episode four reaching some resolution with certain plot-points, there are plenty of things to look forward to in the next episode. Especially what lies in store for the inhabitants in Louisana.