Someone once said there are only a certain amount of stories in the world. At their most basic, stories can be reduced to one of eight basic structures. It’s the set dressing you place around those structures that make for original stories. But here’s the thing – sometimes those trappings get weirdly specific. Like the trope in TV of finding out that characters have been dead all along. Not shows like Reaper or Pushing Daisies, where the line is never blurred. Instead, these shows feel like the writers saw The Sixth Sense before planning out their plots.
This particular trope pops up in other series as well, in series as varied as Angel, NCIS and American Horror Story. And almost invariably, it’s used so that characters (either the dead ones, or the ones still breathing) can learn something, or become better people. As long as audiences keep being surprised by the reveal that characters are dead, it’s going to remain a viable plot point for character development.