Now that Breaking Bad is done and dusted, Game of Thrones has happily accepted its place as the best show on television right now. Fans rejoiced last night as the trailer for Season 4 was released, and boy is it a doozy!

This is followed by some shots of Daenerys and her gang watching on a cliff, and her army apparently taking part in battle, we hear Ser Jorah utter some very wise words “It’s tempting to see your enemies as evil....” He says as Tyrion, Melissandre, Stannis and Davos appear on screen “But there’s good and evil on every side of every war ever fought”. Quickly changing to a man finding himself cornered and outnumbered by soldiers in an alleyway, we enter Dany’s throne room, as she viciously declares “ They have a choice. They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one” as Jaime sees himself treated to a new sword by Tywin Lannister. Next up is Tyrion being escorted in chains, his voice over claiming that “things are a little tense right now” and that he won’t be talking himself out of this one.
Over to Jon Snow, whose voice over reveals that the Night’s Watch and the Wildlings are at war once again, with a shot of ex-girlfriend Ygritte looking over the land with her bow and arrow. Following that are shots of Yara, out on a voyage to save her brother Theon, Jaime getting a new hand, and a bearded man (Who I originally thought to be Samwell Tarly but now I’m not so sure) leaving a baby out in the snow, as Littlefinger’s (I think) voice over says “Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who hurt the ones we love?”. A short clip of Arya looking badass on a mountain before we return to Littlefinger as he says (Presumably to Varys) “I want to know whose side you’re on”.
Not to mention that Brienne, the knight Catelyn sent to take Jaime to King’s Landing in Season 2 and grew close to Season 3, does not appear in the trailer, slightly diminishing my hopes for a Jaime/Brienne relationship. Next, let’s focus on that dragon over King’s Landing. Fans of both the show and the book were shocked to see this as it was certain to come at a later time, but the speculation at the moment seems to be that it is a dream sequence.
This new ‘Dornish’ character seems interesting...But is he trouble for the Lannisters? It seems Cersei is coming to the end of her rope, having defended Joffrey long enough. Not a lot from Arya and The Hound or Stannis and his crew, but hopefully that’s to save us seeing some of the best stuff. Daenerys has changed a bit; she’s certainly a lot more vicious than she was before, possibly letting power get to her head, and Ser Jorah remains the voice of reason. Tyrion is in trouble once again, biiiiig trouble. But what could it be this time? Clearly it’s serious, and I think I have a little theory which I’ll keep to myself to avoid potential spoilers but I’ll be chuffed if I’m right. On a final note, Peter Dinklage pronounces the word ‘wrong’ very weirdly.