It’s back! Yes, it’s that time again for The Walking Dead to return to our screens. Season Five Part One was one hell of a ride, with cannibalistic creeps trapping our heroes, we said goodbye to some major characters and the beacon of hope that was Eugene’s cure turned out to be a lie. Now, we start the second half of the season and upon its return, the show has immediately done what it always does best: Ruin your fucking life.
Aside from the writing issues in other parts of the show, this episode was outstanding. The direction was beautiful; Greg Nicotero kept us in this dreamlike state with the beautiful visuals and allowed us to experience this emotional journey on which Tyreese is on, and whilst you wouldn’t think Beth would play too major a part in this episode, it’s her beautiful voice that really puts the icing on the cake as her signing accompanies the group’s desperate attempt to save Tyreese, making for one of the most beautiful moments of the entire show.
The Walking Dead has come back on a high, much like the season’s first half, and hopefully it’ll stay there.What Happened and What’s Going On is one of the best episodes to date, and it’ll be interesting to see if the rest of this season can top it.