Suffice it to say, this week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries was much more entertaining than the previous. The only good part of last week was Damon giving up. As he so appropriately said ‘I’m better like this.’ Yes, yes you are, Damon.

Damon is back on his dark spiral of depression. Damon is not Damon unless he is killing or torturing. Since he has been with Elena, this stopped and his role in the show seemed to take part as either a background role or Elena’s hero. She already has Stefan; she doesn’t need another hero to remind her of how useless she can be. This new story arc he has been given is exciting, sexy and true to Damon. His life is only going to get worse.

Damon’s new storyline will cause grief for many people, both the audience and the other characters in the show. Last week was, to be frank, dull. This has more than made up for it and the joy and anticipation of watching a new episode has returned.