The Vampire Diaries is back with episode nine and it promises to be an exciting episode with, wait for it … answers! We finally get to find out about the Augustine experiments. The episode delves into Damon’s past and Aaron finally discovers his family legacy which may or may not be a good thing for Damon and Elena. There will be torture, personal demons and some passionate kissing so keep on reading!

Katherine has become the new Elena by writing in a diary. Stefan is making her do this as a form of therapy while he is on suicide watch. Caroline acquires Stefan’s safe to help him deal with his PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Elena seeks out Aaron, who is struggling to deal with his roommate’s death, to ask for his help in finding Damon. Is anyone else annoyed at how quickly she noticed his disappearance but not Stefan’s? She is already making more of an effort than she did with Stefan. Aaron invites Elena into Whitmore House, which he owns because his surname is Whitmore. There is a picture on the wall of previous staff members; one of them is Grayson Gilbert. He was an Augustine doctor according to Maxfield, who then vervains Elena. Maxfield is obliged to explain to Aaron about vampires and his parents’ deaths’.
Elena wakes up in a cell next to Damon. He explains the situation to her and describes an old friend he made the last time he was a prisoner there: the handsome Enzo, played by Michael Malarkey. Enzo is rumoured to become a major character later in the season so keep an eye out for him. Naturally, Elena expects their knight in shining armour, Stefan, to come rescue her despite his own personal issues. I’m sorry Elena but it’s time to grow up and let Stefan go.

Caroline locks Stefan in the safe to make him deal with his fears. He dies while Katherine and Caroline are arguing over his fate but this helps them realise how they can help him. When he wakes, Katherine is lying beside him. Stefan is a hero and has faced worse fates for the sake of others but cannot help himself. With Katherine next to him, he has to control himself or he risks killing her. Katherine calls him out on his real mental issue: It wasn’t the safe, the water or the continuous dying. It was easier for him to focus on all of that rather than face up to his true pain: Elena choosing Damon. Katherine reminds him of his love for her. She’s inches away from kissing him when Caroline opens the safe and releases them.
Aaron finds Elena and Damon in their cells and accuses Elena of killing both Meghan and his parents! Too bad no one told him when Elena was turned. The lack of honesty in this show has caused so many problems which could have otherwise been avoided. Aaron has a gun pointed at Elena so Damon admits that it was he who killed his parents as revenge for the torture and experiments that were done to him in the past. He vowed to kill every member of the Whitmore family, bar one (to keep the family line going), so he would always have a supply of Whitmore’s to kill and make suffer. The latest one he killed was Aaron’s Aunt Sarah over the summer, who Aaron has previously mentioned to Elena. Elena is distraught by the revelation of her boyfriend being a murderer. Really Elena, you didn’t know Damon was still capable of murder? She really thought she could change the guy… Aaron shoots Damon in the head.

This was a pretty good episode. I enjoyed it but it wasn’t one of the best. It was great to finally see how Aaron may fit into this story and why he was introduced. I really like the character and the actor so I hope he doesn’t go seeking revenge or he will die.
Elena has got to stop thinking she can change Damon. She can’t and it’s not an attractive quality. Despite the impression my articles give, I really do like Elena but she makes some bad decisions. She has shown time and again that she wants her Prince, her knight in shining armour, and that description fits Stefan to a T. Damon has always been a murderer and always will be. She seems to think that the power of her love can fix everything. Wrong, so very wrong.

I was never keen on the idea of Stefan and Katherine but the writers have built up to it gradually so it feels natural now that they be together and seems right. Damon and Elena in season three was the same. Season four felt rushed and forced between ‘Delena’ which could be why I lean more towards Stefan.