The Vampire Diaries is heating up after the last major cliff-hanger. Damon is forced into in a new, terrifying way of life, Tyler discovered Caroline’s secret thanks to a sneaky Katherine and Elena is nowhere to be seen.

There were several attempts at witty writing this episode, which often fell short, but Enzo’s lines were perfectly amusing and were delivered in just the right way. A lot is still unknown about Enzo but he’s an interesting character so hopefully he will be around a while. He is given some of the best lines, reminiscent of season one Damon, which makes the psychopath oddly attracting and alluring. The soundtrack for the hotel scene, between Katherine and Stefan could not have been any more flawless. Fleur Blanche, by Orsten, has a seductive feel to it but also a tone of foreboding; this accentuates what Katherine is trying to do and portrays just how strange it is, since she is not even in her own body.
As mentioned previously, the writing fell flat this week. There were attempts at humour which were awkward and rather embarrassing to listen to. The writers have proven they are better than this so why fall onto bad, amateurish habits? Julie Plec also needs to realise that Tyler is a good guy and she needs to stop giving him mood swings just to cause strife between him and Caroline so there’s room for Klaus; it doesn’t feel natural and is clearly forced. When Klaus is not in the picture, Tyler is a totally different character, showing that they often lose sense of him, or simply just don’t care enough.

It was mostly a strong episode, though occasionally uncomfortable with the bad writing. Damon is having a hard time, and though what’s happening to him now has been repeated many times before, will be good for him until something more permanent can be done. Let’s just say, that Salvatore Dungeon gets way too much use, though it was apparently a good investment in the brothers’ eyes’.