The end of a storyline is nigh and we say goodbye to a few characters tonight. Some loved, some not so loved. Season five has been lacking something crucial that it had at the start; has the episode helped to find its feet once again?

Without going into too much detail, one death was especially striking and fitting. They were unable to go through Bonnie to the other side, and were instead dragged by some kind of demon into the dark. A better end for this particular character could not have been written. This was one character whose death had to be different, spectacular, and specific to them and this was achieved.
Many cheers arose as Caroline finally told Tyler her opinion on his reaction to her and Klaus and finished by telling him to grow up. Caroline is an independent character and she does so much for everyone, that she struggles to be constantly perfect. She does lack a backbone at times but it was one of the best moments when she finally stands up to her ex, and finally accepts that she is not all to blame.

The first few seasons of The Vampire Diaries were dark, but now that they are older, it feels like they are leaving out too much mythology at times. The Silas storyline was intriguing and the Travellers have been alright, but the writers need to take a step back before writing season six to see what it is they are missing. This episode incorporated some more of the unknown and consequences. It makes you wonder what end certain characters will meet if /when they die.