Unlikely alliances and revelations abound in the fourth episode of The Tomorrow People, Kill or Be Killed. The episode paints the picture of John's origin and introduces the enemy of the week in Killian McCrane.

John's little stunt put him on the radar of Ultra and Jedikiah shows up at the foster home, paying the foster dad to take John off of his hands. We're shown scenes of John training, which introduces us to the episode's foe, Killian McCrane.
We learn that McCrane took part in Ultra testing to counteract the Homo Superior's inability to kill. He was the only member of the Annex Project to survive and successfully overcome the Prime Barrier. Afterwards McCrane escaped with devastating results and John was tasked with catching him while he was still an agent.

In the present day McCrane has come back, as we find out, looking for John and wondering why John has stopped hunting for him. To find out why McCrane breaks into Ultra and attempts to take Jedikiah's life with a bomb to distract everyone as he hacks into their computer system. In the scene Stephen saves Jedikiah's life. This action effects a small amount withing the show, giving Stephen a better standing with Ultra, while having the action questioned by the Tomorrow People. Though the effects will probably remain within the confines of the episode.
There are a couple of confrontations with McCrane, all of which amount to nothing and for the most part leave a bit to be desired. The first to fights are short and could have been handled with a little more flare on the part of the director. What they do serve is to create an unlikely alliance between Jedikiah and John.

Its here where the audience gets the biggest revelation of the night, though in watching the episode it becomes fairly obvious halfway through that it will happen. McCrane is giving the villain speech that because he can kill and John can't that he has the upperhand. The speeches that every villain seems to have and while this is going on John shoots McCrane. So we find out that McCrane was not the only person to break through the Prime Barrier. Though with the showcasing of John as being the Tomorrow Person with the best grasp of his abilities, his ability to kill makes him seem a bit overpowered. Plus there creates the chance that John will go rogue and become another enemy in the mix.
The episode was very much centered on John, and not in the way the last episode told the story of Cara. It surrounded John, having all the other characters take a back seat. Granted other things happened in between John scenes, they just seemed irrelevant. It was a good episode nonetheless.