The musketeers are under orders to protect a royal princess so she can be married off in a peace treaty with Sweden. Sounds like an ordinary day at the office for our merry band (seriously, do the other musketeers ever get to do anything other than stand around in the garrison?), but that’s before there’s assassination attempts galore on the beautiful princess’s life. Can they figure out exactly who’s behind the attacks before it’s too late?
Just about, once they manage to navigate the twists and turns of this episode of The Musketeers.

Instead, it was left to the false princess to stick a crossbow bolt in his chest. The death scene ended up unintentionally comical, as Bonacieux rolled around on the floor for absolutely ages, until d'Artagnan appeared and Bonacieux could make his dying curse. Whether or not their unhappiness will stem from their own actions (Constance could make a go of it with that doctor), or from outside forces (will Milady end up poisoning Constance, in a rare example of The Musketeers adhering to canon), there can't be a happy ending for the lovers.

But Rochefort has one weakness – his fixation on Queen Anne. In fact, this whole episode relied heavily on relationships and how idiotically people behave when feelings are involved. The Louvre is beginning to resemble a soap opera, what with Marguerite heartbroken by Aramis, Aramis and the Queen being the least subtle secret lovers ever, Rochefort stalking the Queen, and Athos making doe eyes at Milady now that he’s apparently gotten over her murdering his brother.