The 100 has been going from strength to strength, with brilliant and entertaining plots, in-depth character development, action, excitement and a never-ending feeling of anticipation.

Things come to a head at Mount Weather as Jasper, Monty and the rest of the imprisoned sky people take a stronger stance against the guards. We see their strength and their support build and their chance of survival grow. In fact, Jasper turns completely hardcore. Meanwhile, back at the Grounder Camp Octavia is left to take charge of the rescue missions in the aftermath of the missile strike whilst Indra has her wounds treated. Abigail finds herself in a difficult situation and Clarke gets her revenge.

The acting is mostly on par. Devon Bostick (Jasper) and Christopher Larkin (Monty) are superb as they face the guards and Eliza Taylor (Clarke) is faultless. However The conversation between Marcus (Henry Ian Cusick) and Abigail (Paige Turco) feels a bit jarred, forced and ultimately hard to believe despite the situation that they are in.
By the end of the episode, everyone is up and ready to go back into battle. Lexa was right, the bombing did bring everyone together and gave them even more of a reason to attack Mount Weather.
Overall, it was still a great episode, but it didn’t feel quite up to scratch.