There comes a point in every show where it feels like it has reached the pinnacle of perfection. Last week's episode of The 100 felt like that high-point had been achieved, only to keep ascending this episode.

There is not as much action this week as there was last week, although is is more than made up for with everything else that is happening. There are so many plans and schemes, plots and subplots, there is more than enough to keep you engrossed and on the edge of your seat. We get an update on the situation of the trapped Sky People in Mount Weather, as Jasper tries to find and save Monty and attempts to confront President Wallace (Devon Bostick), with brilliant acting from both actors as we get to feel Jasper’s raw emotion and desperation. Under immense pressure to act fast and defeat Mount Weather, Clarke remains calm yet stern, refusing to torture a mountain man to get information and managing to pull through it all by asserting her power and dominance at Camp Jaha to come up with a plan to get her friends out of Mount Weather.

This week’s episode is full of power-struggles, more wonderful and never-dull character developments, stormy family relationships, questions of morality and a brilliant fight scene involving Bellamy and a Mount Weather guard. There are arguments, interrogations and confrontations. The story swings from one emotion to the next and it doesn’t look like that’s going to end any time soon.