After a lacklustre two episode run, Teen Wolf returns to the fine work of earlier in the season in the build-up to what looks set to be a thrilling climax. One of the reasons for this pick up in quality is that all of the primary characters (with the exception of Malia) get the chance to shine. This, combined with a tight script and superb direction, makes for one of the best episodes yet.

This development is fantastic for letting the other actors play with their characters. Trying to keep themselves alive and also stop the fight are Allison and Kira, whose brief scenes fighting together show what could be an awesome partnership, as both girls admirably hold their own, trading weapons and looking out for each other. Allison and Kira are utterly badass.
But most impressive of all is Derek’s possession. So used to seeing him as the brooding anti-hero, his pallid face, manic, demonic cackle and psychotic demeanour is genuinely chilling to watch.
Elsewhere, Deaton paralyses Stiles with nogitsune venom, and gags him, as Scott, Lydia, Deaton and Melissa race against the clock to save him. The episode enters surreal territory at this point, as the nogitsune tries to deliberately mislead Scott and Lydia. Scott is taken back to his relationship with Allison in previous seasons, while Lydia is horrifyingly forced to relive the night that she was attacked by Peter in season one. With Stiles unaware of their presence, Scott has to howl (establishing Stiles as a member of his pack) to awaken Stiles, who, presumably, breaks free of the nogitsune’s control. The scenes, particularly Lydia’s torment, are beautifully directed, with a hallway full of balloons somehow being menacing, and with Peter’s voice echoing through the scenes breaking the mirage. Clearly, they’re setting up for a further exploration of the Peter/Lydia dynamic, but hopefully that exploration will finally highlight how Peter violated Lydia so horribly back in season one.

De-Void has many strengths, but chief among them is how almost every character is present and important to the plot. With such a focus on the strength of the pack, this is the first time in ages we see everyone working towards the same goal (when not trying to kill each other, at least.) It also acknowledges and references what came before it, such as the Scott and Allison relationship, the Hale family death, the murders of Erica and Boyd, and the prom scene in which Lydia was attacked. Her calling out to Jackson was a nice touch, and her styling in that scene had a great deal of attention paid to it. As always, Dylan O’Brien is utterly fantastic in the dual roles of Stiles and the nogitsune, but this episode also showcased the strengths of other cast members, such as Tyler Hoechlin’s Derek, Holland Roden’s Lydia, and Melissa Ponzio is particularly wonderful in the brief confrontation between the nogitsune and Melissa McCall. Finally, we return to Scott being the hero we’re supposed to believe he is, and Tyler Posey carries the action well. And in the first few minutes, Linden Ashby subtly displays Sheriff Stilinski’s heartbreak as he tells the nogitsune “You’re not my son.”
But with so much going on, something has to fall by the wayside. In this instance, it’s the resolution of Sheriff’s impeachment. In just a few minutes, Sheriff’s job is saved by Agent McCall, in circumstances that the audience don’t get to witness. All we know is that the investigation was conducted purely so that Agent McCall could stick around a while longer and see Scott. The more intriguing aspect to this storyline comes in the scene with Melissa and the nogitsune, as he implies that the real reason for Agent McCall’s departure would leave Scott hating her, and that Sheriff and Stiles know about it. This is a mystery that has been building throughout the season, but has always been subtly played. We can only hope for a similarly great conclusion.
With only two episodes left, Teen Wolf promises high action and drama as the nogitsune has Lydia prisoner, and trailers promise the death of a main character to come. But whatever the outcome, on the basis of De-Void, the climax of this season looks set to be completely thrilling.