Hit show Supernatural is currently on its ninth season out of a rumoured tenth. It started out strong nine years ago and started to wane though it seems to be picking itself back up again! The show follows Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who are Demon hunters. The show is rich with mythology and legends.
The show is not as strong as it was when it began. It’s lost some of its charm but the two Winchester brothers are as adorable and badass as ever, though their sibling rivalry and trust issues get grinding. Despite this, it’s difficult to imagine any version of Supernatural without Sam and Dean, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. They are Supernatural.
The spin-off show will come with brand new actors and characters. The Winchesters will not star in it but this doesn't mean they won't visit once in a while. This would be a good idea to do in the first season to ensure a large audience. The Winchesters could likely become major characters if the success of the show truly does depend on them.
What do you think? Will you watch Tribes even though Sam and Dean likely won’t feature in it? Has Supernatural lost its charm and should they give up while they’re ahead? I will definitely give the show a watch but without high hopes. There is no definite date for the release but it could be as early as Autumn 2014.