A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… George Lucas made what some would consider to be one of the best film trilogies ever.
Then, he followed it up twenty years later with one of the worst prequel trilogies ever made. Followed by a TV series set between the second and third films of the prequels, which told a better story and managed to redeem the franchise.
The animation for the series is much smoother than that of The Clone Wars, with facial features being smoother and hairstyles looking less angular (in particular, Obi-Wan’s beard). The only downside with the animation style is the Wookies, their character models looking underdeveloped when compared to the more humanoid characters.
With the announcement earlier this year by LucasFilm and Disney that only Rebels and The Clone Wars retaining their status in the canon of the Star Wars Universe, it remains to be seen how the series will add and expand the saga, but the Pilot episode is a fantastically strong start to the series, here’s hoping it can keep up the good work!