First season finales are always difficult, because there’s no way of knowing how the show is going to be received. If all goes well and you’re going to get a second season, then you want the finale to give closure to the first season and tease at the stories which lie ahead. But there’s always a chance that things might go badly, and if you’ve left any hanging plot threads, audiences are going to be left with a hole in their hearts (the wounds of Atlantis are still fresh). Sense8 gave us an episode that occasionally reached the heights of the very best episodes of this short series, but overall felt a bit anti-climactic given how good the series could be at its best.

So that leaves Riley as the one member without any (thus far seen) practical skills to offer the group, but she’s been acting as its heart for a while, being the first to bond with most of the other sensates. She’s the plot’s focal point as Will tries to rescue her, and the emotional focal point as she eventually has the mental breakdown she’s been heading for all season. The audience and Will suffer along with her as she relives the death of her husband, giving birth in a crashed car and her baby dying in her frozen arms (who knew that by the end of the season we’d see nine graphic birth scenes? More life-giving vag on Sense8 than on Call the Midwife). It’s helped by Tuppence Middleton giving a brilliantly nuanced performance throughout.

Yes, it’s probably only a temporary reprieve (why wasn’t Whispers with the cluster on the boat as Will regained consciousness?), but given that he’s only a major threat in this way for thirteen minutes of the episode, it makes the dread of Whispers seem completely overblown. It’s fine! Hide in some fog, get away from him once and he’ll leave you completely alone because he’s a good sport! It’s that closure issue we mentioned before – “I Can’t Leave Her” ties up enough of the loose ends that the audience receives closure, but having to do it by the end of the last episode means things get a little rushed.

What Did You Think?

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Would you like a second season?
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