March the ninth heralds the return of Once Upon a Time, likely surrounded by dramatic purple smoke and magical sparks! But what can we expect after the dramatic mid-season finale where the story as we knew it was turned on its head…

With the combined disappearance of Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan in one swipe, the slate is cleared for the arrival of a new dastardly villain to trip everyone up. The Wicked Witch of the West, is coming to town - who knows how her story will play out and swirl away from the Broadway musical... And will the pointy hat be central to it all?
There is also talk of pirates. Hook is of course on the scene (or sea-ne) and has found himself in the middle of a love triangle... But could Edward Teach, otherwise known as BLACKBEARD, also enter stage right? And is he on side with our heroes or have his trigger finger on the Kraken?
Of course we cannot leave out Regina here too... Without Henry how is she coping in the Enchanted Forest? Is she reverting back to her old ways or are she and Snow best pals?

Let's be honest, we love the swelling violins and true lovey doveyness of this show. Of course the sword fighting and CGI are important but it’s like a warm cuddle for Disneyholics. And we know that we’re not alone in thinking that some story arcs HAVE to happen before we all shrivel up and die.
Here’s hoping to see more of Ariel and Eric (please) and, while we’re on the subject, learn more about the mysterious Ursula... Who is gold and not purple… A hefty portion of Snow White and Prince Charming is a must, who are actually loved up in real life with a baby on the way. So the whole Once Upon a Time world is practically a reality.

Ahem… love triangles more specifically. But realistically this is a very stormy puzzling love triangle and there are shippers left right and centre. In fact who’s to say the Captain Swann vs Swanfyre battle will ever end! Who are you rooting for? Will she remember Neal is Henry’s dad? Can Hook use his piratey skills to win her back?
And taking a step back to be practical for a moment, with all this alternative reality/magical-world-hopping surely there is a growing market need for magic beans. To fuel all the stories are the dwarves and Tiny the giant setting up a new bean plantation? At this rate even the teletubbies could be one episode away from a starring OUAT role…

Word is on the grapevine (a reliable source for OUAT info these grapevines…) that a MAIN CHARACTER DEATH is on the agenda. WHO? WHAT? HOW? WHEN? Yes that’s what we said….

While we had the grapevine singing like a canary it emerged that some previously removed characters could be making a return. The huntsman aka Sherrif Graham of Storybrooke you cry? We hope so - but then we mention 50 Shades of Grey and it’s less likely…. There is quite a list of potential suspects (with a certain evil queen who has a story to tell…) and we’re still not 100% sure Pan and Rumple are out of the equation…
So dearies, what do you think will happen? What do you want to happen? What are you dreading? Comment below and remember – LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO!